The whole motorcykle left side.
All of the bike has been covered with a drying,industrial quality rust protective oil, to stop
surface rust from increasing and protect the remaining paintwork. |
The bike is as found, dents
and all. The double pinstriping is 1.8mm-2.2mm wide, runs some places as close as 2.5 mm apart and other
places with 3.3mm distance. Click the picture to get more details on the front fender |
The motorcykle front fender left side.
There are three double rows of narrow gold stripes along the front fenders. These stripes are
approximately 2 mm wide and spaced approx 2.8mm apart. |
The stripes along the edges of fenders
and side skirts are probably meant to run some 3/8" from the edge. In reality the distance somewhere
is as small as 8 mm and in other places as large as 11.5mm |
Check front fender details
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The tank really is ivory with red
sidepanels. The panels are decorated with gold leaf tincture lines applied with a brush. |
This picture of the insides also
show a repairing method I prefer, opening it up at the inside to repair from the inside with a
soldering iron - gentle heat, no damage to the outside. |
Check front tank striping details
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The distance between the parallell
stripes in the "vee" on top ofthe rear of the tank are 11 mm to 11.7mm, maybe meant to be 7/16"? |
The four stripes vary between 6.5mm
as the narrowest and at some places they are as much as 9.5mm wide, Maybe they were meant to be 5/16" |
And here is the rear end
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Lines on the rear fender and
the chainguard follows the same widths and spacings as on the front fender. |
At the opening rear part of the rear
fender the lines cross the split and continue "unbroken" on the other part. |