18 | (Including The Bicycling World)
| July 23, 1924 |
HILADELPHIA, Pa. -Stimulated by triumphs of the Ace motorcycle
in the Martins's Creek and Reading hill- |
climbs, wins by a private individual on his own and without factory
backing, the Ace Mfg. Co. are speeding up production with the view of being
able to ship machines in the not too-distant future. Deliveries will be announced through the trade
publications far enough in advance so that all Ace dealers may share equitably in the distribution. The most important
announcement made by the new owners up to the present time is the price. The Ace Mfg. Co as at present constituted do not
profess to be wizards in the matter of producing at an impossibly low price a machine of such costly materials and highly
paid workmanship as the Ace. And they do not pretend that an organization starting out within safe and conservative lines can
sell an initial small output for as low a figure as they can when their production arrives at 10.000 machines a year. | |
 |  | Above, Ace officials, including C.H.
Dengler, vice-president and chief engineer, G. W. Uffold, sales manager, and George E,
Mead, president and general manager. Bottom the new Ace Factory |
Therefore the Ace Mfg Co. candidly
announce that they will ask $400 for the standard machine with castiron pistons and $420 for the Solo Sport Model with aluminum pistons. |
These prices wil prevail for the rest of 1924, during which the
production program will be maintained at a limited scale. The Model D Ace which the company |
will produce is an assembled proposition, like the majority of good automobliles. To hasten
production and maintain the absolute best quality on a production basis, nearly all the |
Red Wolverton and some of the trophies he has collected with
his hill-storming Ace |
parts will be built by parts specialists and only the most important work completed
at the company's plant. thus it is hoped that with a first class manufacture , a rigid inspection and the best assembly and
testing possible , thenewAce machine will prove even superior to the old product. The machine will retain all the basic
principles originated by Willie Henderson and refined by Art Lemon, the "Rochester" model that made its sensational debut
by Zooming over the top in the National Championship Hill-climb at the Rochester Rally of 1923. In its construction
and performance Ace Model E wil reflect the personality and experience of- George E. Mead, president and general manager,
master builder of marine and aeroplane engines, cars, trucks, etc and finally the Ace Motorcycle. Vice -President and
Sales Manager George W. Ufford, with many years of experience in many large successful manufacturing organizations,
who guarantees to the Ace a quality sales organization. Vice-President and Chief Engineer C. H. Dengler associated
in the development and manufacture of Fiat cars, the Hispana Suiza aircraft engine, Fergus car, Fox car, C-T trucks, many
years practical experience in the design, development and manufacture of quality cars and trucks having both water and
air-cooled engines.